Training Your Team to Work Safer

Do you have people working on or around energized equipment? Then, NFPA 70E training is required. OSHA is using NFPA 70E as a national consensus standard, so it is vital that your team understands all the requirements. Per NFPA, anyone working on or around energized equipment needs training on electrical safe work practices.

NFPA 70E Training Includes:

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Training Manual
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Certificate of Completion
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State and NFPA Certified Trainers

What Does NFPA 70E Training Look Like?

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Introduction to Arc Flash

  • Definition
  • What is Arc Flash?
  • Overview of changes to NFPA 70E-2015 & 2018
  • Methods of reducing Arc Flash Potential
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Qualified vs Unqualified

  • OSHA/NEC distinctions between Qualified and Unqualified Persons
    • Applying the Approach Limits for Unqualified Persons
    • Applying the Approach Limits for Qualified Persons
  • Energized Work Permits- Exemptions and Requirements
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Protection Boundaries and Limits of Approach

  • Electric Shock Potential
    • Unintended Contact w/Electricity
    • Electric Shock and effects on the Human Body
    • Current Limit Tolerances
  • Definition of Boundaries and Spaces
    • Flash Protection Boundary
    • Limited Space Boundary
    • Restricted Space Boundary
  • Using Tables 130.4 & 130.7 to Determine Boundaries
  • Applying Boundaries and Spaces to Electrical Tasks
  • Identifying Hazards using Arc Flash Labels
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Person Protection Equipment

  • Protective Clothing
    • Rating Systems of Clothing
    • Burn Characteristics of Clothing
    • Flame Resistant vs. Flame Retardant
    • Clothing Care and Wear Characteristics
  • Arc Flash Protection
    • Single Layer vs. Multi-Layer
    • Protective Systems
    • Eye/Ear Protection
    • Gloves and Footwear
  • NFPA Methods of Selecting PPE
    • PP Classifications
    • Selection of PPE based on Table 130.7(C) (15)
    • Selection of PPE based upon Arc Flash Hazard Analysis

Don't Miss This!

NFPA 70B is no longer a recommended practice. NFPA 70B is an enforceable standard.

Facilities must now create, document, and keep to a maintenance plan for their electrical equipment. NFPA 70B, the Standard for Electrical Equipment Maintenance, sets clear requirements that your Electrical Maintenance Program (EMP) must satisfy to be compliant.

Specific NFPA 70B Mandates:

Maintenance must be based on inspection of electrical equipment as installed. Insulation, wiring, connections, and leads must be visually inspected for evidence of stress, damage, or deterioration. See NFPA 70B 4.2.2 and 15.3.1.

Maintenance must be done considering the current condition of maintenance and potential risks. Where manufacturer’s recommendations are insufficient, NFPA 70B supplies guidance. See NFPA 70B 4.2.3.

Electrical equipment must be kept contaminant-free. See NFPA 70B

Safety equipment must be mechanically serviced and operation physically verified. For instance, a circuit breaker must be operable. See NFPA 70B 15.3.4.

Infrared testing, resistance tests, overcurrent trip tests, and other verifications of safe operation-as-intended must be done and documented. See NFPA 70B 15.3.5.

Keeping Your Team and Facility Safe for 100 Years 


If you are interested in finding out how to protect yourself and others from potential electrical accidents, we offer training seminars to help get you caught up to speed on NFPA 70E requirements. We can even come to your facility to provide the training.

To learn more about our training program involving Electrical Safe Work Practices and Safety Related Maintenance, please get in touch with Westley Hall at 859.422.3347 or

According to OSHA Standard 1910 (B)(1)-Employees who work with electricity must be trained in 1910.331 (Qualified vs Unqualified persons) and 1910.335 (Safeguards for personnel protection)

  • The NFPA standard covering NFPA-70E Safe Electrical work practices Training is under 110.2 (Training)
  • OSHA now enforces NFPA-70E and B and outlines that NFPA is only way to comply for the OSHA standards listed above.
  • In short, it would be an OSHA violation on probably multiple different accounts; for every person and for everyday they have been expected to do electrical work and have not had this training.

The requirement is that an individual be trained on NFPA-70E every 3 years or after the new standard is released (which comes out every 3 years). It is the employers responsibility to ensure if the worker has been trained on the newest standard of NFPA-70E in that time frame that they receive and have on file that certificate of completion.

NFPA-70B has technically always been "required", in a round about way. OSHA never enforced it in the past but did outline in their standards that the only way to comply with electrical related topics was to use NFPA-70B/E as an outline. For example, OSHA standard 1910.269 says that a facility should have a study to prevent/protect worker injury from arches and flames from electrical equipment and they list NFPA-70B/E as the roadmap to achieve this. It can be found in NFPA-70E 130.3 and 130.5.

Other reasons it is now required include employee/contractor protection and safety, risk reduction, machine/electrical equipment breakdown, unexpected downtime which leads to long lead times on world products etc.

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Louisville, KY 40213
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Lexington, KY 40505
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